Central Carolina Promise/K14

FREE Tuition to Qualifying High School Graduates!

All eligible Chatham, Harnett, 以及从公立高中毕业的李县居民, private school, charter school, or homeschool through June 2025 will be guaranteed up to two years of FREE in-state tuition and required fees at Central Carolina Community College.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • 查塔姆、哈尼特或李县的居民
  • 在高中期间成功完成大学学分 至少修满4门课程或12学分. 大学学分可以通过职业获得 & 大学承诺,AP/CLEP,高中CTE课程学分衔接等. All applicable curriculum credit(s) must be submitted to the Student Records and Registrar at 澳门黄金城赌城 to count toward a student's eligibility.
  • 公立高中,私立学校或家庭学校毕业生 who will attend Central Carolina Community College as a degree or credential seeking curriculum or continuing education student within two years of his or her high school graduation.
  • 注:来自联邦和州拨款的资金, scholarships, 在中央卡罗莱纳承诺开始支付之前,外部资金必须耗尽.

New Students Must:

  1. 填写“中央卡罗莱纳承诺/K14”兴趣表
    • Current seniors and recent graduates should submit your Interest Form as soon as possible - don't delay! 请确保使用正确的链接!
    • We will use this information to follow up with you about the rest of the enrollment process.
    • Priority deadline*: ASAP
  2. 提交中国中交基金会奖学金申请
    • Complete the Scholarship Application, to apply for local scholarships.
    • 包括一封高中老师的推荐信, 大学教师或非家庭成员, 以及一篇解释你职业目标的短文, 社区参与和任何关于你的经济需要的额外信息.
    • 只有填妥的申请才会被考虑.
    • 优先截止日期*:2024年7月1日星期一
  3. 提交免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)
    • 所有中卡罗莱纳承诺/K14申请人都需要FAFSA. The FAFSA application can be accessed and completed online.
    • 澳门黄金城赌城's FAFSA Code is 005449. If this code is not supplied, the FAFSA will not connect to 澳门黄金城赌城 and will be considered incomplete.
    • 优先截止日期*:2024年7月1日星期一
  4. 提交FAFSA所需的文件.
    • 财务援助办公室将与您联系,了解您的FAFSA状态.
    • Emails will be sent to your Cougarmail account and the list of items needed will also be available in your WebAdvisor account.
    • You must submit all documents requested by the Financial Aid office in order to be eligible for the Promise/K14 program.
    • 优先截止日期*:2024年7月19日星期五
  5. 完成北卡居留决定程序
    • Visit NC Residency Determination Service 获取您的居留证明号码(RCN). 你的RCN是用来决定你的学费率和获得州助学金的资格.
    • 没有完成这一步,你的入学申请(第6步)将无法处理.
    • 优先截止日期*:2024年7月19日星期五
  6. Complete the Admissions Application
    • Complete your 澳门黄金城赌城 application online.
    • 通过Career在高中上过大学课程的学生 & College Promise will need to re-apply to 澳门黄金城赌城 in order to continue their enrollment after graduation.
    • Students should include their correct Social Security Number on their admissions application. Failing to include your SSN on your application will result in 澳门黄金城赌城 not receiving your FAFSA information, 你的Promise/K14入学被延迟或拒绝.
    • 优先截止日期*:2024年7月19日星期五
  7. 提交你的高中成绩单
    • Contact your high school to send official transcripts directly to the Admissions Office after your high school graduation or request an official transcript through CFNC. 所有在毕业前发送的成绩单将被视为非官方的.
    • If you are a home school student, the home school administrator must provide proof that the home school is certified by the North Carolina Department of Administration and include the most recent two years of standardized test scores.
    • 优先截止日期*:2024年7月19日星期五

Additional Items

*Priority Deadline Information

  • Students who complete all required items by the posted priority deadlines will have their program status confirmed by Thursday, August 1, 2024.
  • Students who do not complete all required items by the priority deadlines will still be considered for the program, 但在开课之前可能无法完全获得资助. Students in this situation may have to pay out of their own pocket up front or risk being dropped for non-payment. 8月1日前不符合条件的学生,鼓励建立一个 Deferred payment Plan.

Continuing Students Must:

  1. 提交中国中交基金会奖学金申请
  2. Complete the FAFSA
    • Students must complete the FAFSA application 他们即将进入这个项目的第二年. Students who do not submit the FAFSA for the second year of the program will be deemed ineligible.
    • 优先截止日期*:2023年7月1日星期五
  3. 提交FAFSA所需的文件
    • You must submit all documents requested by the Financial Aid office in order to be eligible for the second year of the Promise/K14 program.
    • 优先截止日期*:2023年7月21日星期五
  4. Maintain Good Academic Standing


Are there requirements that students must comply with after being accepted to the Central Carolina Promise/K14 program?

Yes. Students must complete the FAFSA and their 澳门黄金城赌城 Foundation scholarship application each year. Students are also expected to meet the academic expectations set forth in the college's Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.


The Central Carolina Promise program will guarantee two years or five semesters towards a credential - associates degree, diploma, or certificate. Example for 2024 high school graduates: Fall 2024, Spring 2025, Summer 2025, Fall 2025, Spring 2026.


中央卡罗莱纳承诺只支付学费和所需费用. 它不包括书籍,用品和其他必修课程材料(包括 Follett ACCESS). 这些费用可通过其他资金来源支付(例如. 但如果不是,学生将负责支付费用.

Can I stop taking classes for a semester in the Central Carolina Promise/K14 program and then start back and still be eligible for the program?

Yes, you may take time off as needed. However, your eligibility window will not be extended due to missed time; the original 2-year eligibility period will remain in place.

Do I have to maintain a certain GPA to be eligible for the Central Carolina Promise/K14 program?

是的,你通常必须保持至少2.平均绩点为0,才有资格参加该计划. 如果学生被留校察看或休学(学业或经济援助), 他们必须遵守学院的SAP政策.


不,唯一的要求是学生完成 FAFSA application 以及财政援助办公室要求的任何其他验证. Students can view the status of their Financial Aid (and requested documents) at any time via their Self-Service account.


不,学生可以选择适合自己的课程. 然而,如果你获得经济援助,你的奖励可能会因全职或兼职而有所不同.


玛丽·施密特·卡特,大学入学协调员 promisek14@wbalweather.com 或者(919)718-7542随时准备为您提供帮助!

Am I still eligible for the Central Carolina Promise Program/K14 if I am classified as an out-of-state student?

Yes. The Central Carolina Promise program will cover tuition and fees up to the in-state tuition rate. The student would be responsible for paying the difference in cost from in-state to out-of-state. Residency status is determined by the Residency Determination Service, not by the college, and any questions regarding a student's status should be directed to that service at 844-319-3640. Certain military/veteran dependents can apply for an in-state tuition waiver; more information can be found on the Student Records and Registrar website.

Am I still eligible for the Central Carolina Promise Program/K14 program if I am a DACA or undocumented student?

No, undocumented and DACA students are not eligible for the Promise/K14 program but are strongly encouraged to apply for additional funding opportunities at 澳门黄金城赌城.

What if I don't qualify for the Central Carolina Promise/K14 program under the eligibility requirements above?

You should still complete your FAFSA and your 澳门黄金城赌城 Foundation Application.


Phase I: Document Approval - 所有需要的文件都已提交并获得批准. 这次你不需要交任何其他的东西. 如果你还没有注册课程,请尽快注册.

Phase II: Schedule Approval - Your schedule has been reviewed and approved - all classes are required for your major. 如果要更改时间表,可能需要额外的批准. A protective hold has been placed on your account until we are able to approve your funding, 上课后会发生什么.

Phase III: Funding Approval - You are attending your classes as planned and we have approved you to receive funding from Promise/K14 for your tuition and required fees. If you receive Pell, scholarships, or other funds, 这些将首先使用,Promise/K14将支付任何剩余的余额. 如果你的其他资金超过了你的学费数额, 那么承诺/K14资金将不需要,你可能会得到退款. Textbooks and other supplemental materials are not provided by the Promise/K14 program.

Please email promisek14@wbalweather.com with any questions!

Need Help?

Email us at promisek14@wbalweather.com
Call us at (919) 718-7542


该项目由查塔姆郡政府支持, Harnett County Government, 李郡政府和私人资助

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